Preparing your Preteen for Puberty
Embrace Motherhood
How can a mother ensure her daughter is comfortable having sensitive conversations with her?
How can a mother cultivate their relationship so she becomes her daughter’s go-to for answers to her questions?
How do we acknowledge and answer questions that make us feel uncomfortable?
And why is it so hard for many moms to have these conversations with their daughters?
In this empowering episode, Malky Weingarten, mother of five girls, offers insight on how to discuss sensitive topics with our daughters. She shares a basic outline of the “period talk,” and explores how these conversations can be wonderful opportunities to provide our daughters with the right hashkafah and healthy approach to the beautiful process of feminine development. When done right, these intimate conversations become the cornerstone of building trust and fostering an important aspect of the mother-daughter relationship.
Book mentioned in the episode:
The Wonder of Becoming You: How a Jewish Girl Grows Up
Up Next in Embrace Motherhood
Feminism & Motherhood
Has feminism failed mothers who just want to mother? In this conversation, Bracha Goetz, a ba'alas teshuva and author of over 41 children's books, offers wise advice to moms doing challenging and often unglamorous work. Raizy and Bracha discuss how the toxic feminist mindset has infiltrated ma...
You’re the Best Mother for Your Child
What do you do when you’re doing your best as a parent, but don’t see the expected or desired results?
What if your children are ungrateful, unappreciative or unhappy? Can you really spoil your children too much?
Yehudis Eagle, a homeschooling mom of 11 children talks about the blessings and cha... -
Toy Talk
Raizy visits her favorite toy store, Toys for Thought in Lakewood N.J., and discusses toys and games. Discover educational games and quality building toys for children at all ages.
Toys for Thought
310 3rd Street, Lakewood NJ, 08701Link to other episodes mentioned in this video: