Feminism & Motherhood
Feminism & Motherhood
Has feminism failed mothers who just want to mother? In this conversation, Bracha Goetz, a ba'alas teshuva and author of over 41 children's books, offers wise advice to moms doing challenging and often unglamorous work. Raizy and Bracha discuss how the toxic feminist mindset has infiltrated many of our most sheltered communities, and how to react when you feel deflated, unempowered, and begin to doubt that motherhood was meant for you. This episode offers tremendous validation and chizzuk, as Bracha shares her transition from not wanting to have any children to experiencing ecstasy in motherhood and raising a beautiful, large family. Bracha Goetz lovingly shares powerful lessons she learned from Reb Noach Weinberg that has helped her thrive with the challenges of raising a large family.
Learn how to evolve from a drained mother to a connected and thriving one, and how to achieve joy and lasting pleasure. This episode speaks to the soul, with words every mother doing her holy work needs to hear.
Bracha's memoir "Searching for God in the Garbage" featured in this video:
Available on amazon: https://amzn.to/3SEmmXa
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