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Soft Strength Secrets



  • Navigating Midlife Together

    Faigie Horowitz and Miriam Lieberman, the visionaries behind JWOW, a digital haven for women aged 50 and above, delve into the complexities of midlife. They graciously provide invaluable advice for navigating this significant stage of life. Topics explored encompass managing expectations, the evo...

  • B’zchus Nashim Tzidkaniyos

    Raizy hosts a cozy tambourine decorating party in her home, featuring the amazing Mushky Yiftach, famously known as "the duct tape lady"!

    Mushky brings with her a delightful tambourine experience neatly packed in a box (available for you too!). But more than that, she brings her presence and wor...

  • No Secrets, Just Courage PART 2

    In this compelling follow-up, Raizy and Mindy Blumenfeld LCSW delve deeper into the complex dynamics of secrecy and vulnerability. From the pressures of Shidduchim to the desire for privacy, they explore the myriad reasons behind keeping secrets and the consequences they entail. Amidst these disc...